selfconsistent GW

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selfconsistent GW

#1 Post by deep.phys08 » Wed May 28, 2014 8:11 pm

I was wondering that when we set ALGO = scGW in vasp, then is the quasiparticle energy and wavefunctions updated only, or the V_xc is also updated in order to match the quasiparticle energies from G to those from G_0. It seems to me that the V_xc is updated after every iteration. If so, is it similar to the approach by Schilfgaarde i.e. is the V_xc set to V_xc = sum_ij (psi_nk) Re {Sigma (E_i) + Sigma (E_j)} (psi_nk) in order to minimize the difference of the dressed QP and bare QP ?
In my calculations, V_xc is given by:
V_xc (KS) = KS-energies - (Expect(T + V_ion + V_H ) + Expect(T+V_H+V_ion)^1 + Expect(V_x)^1). I am not sure I understand this. I would really appreciate it if you could kindly help me.
Thanks and Regards.
Last edited by deep.phys08 on Wed May 28, 2014 8:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: selfconsistent GW

#2 Post by support_vasp » Thu Sep 12, 2024 8:03 am


We're sorry that we didn’t answer your question. This does not live up to the quality of support that we aim to provide. The team has since expanded. If we can still help with your problem, please ask again in a new post, linking to this one, and we will answer as quickly as possible.

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