Part 1: Basic transition states ¶
By the end of this tutorial, you will be able to:
- prepare and perform a nudged elastic band (NEB) calculation
- optimize the image structures and the reaction pathway
- visualize the image structures and energetic pathway
1.1 Task¶
Calculate the reaction pathway using nudged elastic band with 4 images for the self-diffusion of a Si atom to a vacancy site in a 15-atom Si primitive supercell.
All chemical reactions go from reactant to product via a transition state. One approach for modeling transition states is the nudged elastic band (NEB) method [J. Chem. Phys. 113, 9978 (2000)]. NEB takes the reactant and product structures and interpolates points between them to model the minimum energy path (MEP), i.e. the reaction pathway. The points consist of images, typically 4-20, gradually progressing from the initial (reactant) to the final (product) structures. In this exercise, we will look at a sparse set of only 4 images. The more images used, the more expensive the calculation and the greater the difficulty with convergence. The images are connected to each other, as well as to the initial and final structures, by spring interactions. Connecting these images creates a continuous "elastic" band.
The force of the band is described by the conventional ("true force") perpendicular to the band $F_{i, \perp }$ and the spring force parallel to the band $F_{i, spring}$, referred to as "nudging". The band is relaxed according to its forces $F_{i}$ and the reaction pathway is thereby obtained.
In this exercise, we will apply NEB to a 15-atom Si vacancy supercell shown below. The blue and cyan atoms are Si in the cell, while the red shows the position of the vacancy site.
The Si atom in blue will move to the position of the red vacancy site during the NEB calculation, as shown by the arrow. The diffusion between sites in diamond cubic silicon is known as self-diffusion [Phys. Rev. B 59, 3969 (1999)] and is simple to model. In this exercise, we will investigate the reaction pathway associated with the self-diffusion. There is additional information on NEB and other transition state methods on the VASP Wiki.
1.2 Input¶
The input files to run this example are prepared at $TUTORIALS/transition_states/e01_NEB
In this exercise, the POSCAR files are provided. The structure of the vacancies (V1 and V2) and images have been pre-relaxed and so the relaxation will only take a few NEB steps.
For reference, a build and interpolation script are provided below:
Click here to reveal them!
Click here to reveal the build script!
from import bulk
from import make_supercell
from ase.visualize import view
from import write_vasp
import numpy as np
# Build the Si diamond primitive unit cell
Si = bulk('Si', 'diamond', a=5.47)
N = 2
M = [[N, 0, 0], [0, N, 0], [0, 0, N]]
# Create a 16-atom supercell
Si_Bulk = make_supercell(Si, M)
atoms = Si_Bulk.get_positions()
# Defect migration in crystalline silicon, Lindsey J. Munro and David J. Wales
# Remove one atom to make an initial vacancy
Si_V1 = make_supercell(Si, M) # Rebuild the supercell - a copy points to the original in the memory, so a new supercell must be created
del Si_V1[-1] # Remove the last atom
write_vasp("./e01_NEB_coarse/POSCAR.V1", Si_V1, direct = True) # Write the output in VASP format
# Remove an alternative, adjacent atom to make a second vacancy
Si_V2 = make_supercell(Si, M) # Rebuild the supercell
del Si_V2[-2] # Remove the second to last atom
write_vasp("./e01_NEB_coarse/POSCAR.V2", Si_V2, direct = True) # Write the output in VASP format
# Uncomment these lines to view the structures!
#view(Si_Bulk, viewer='x3d')
#view(Si_V1, viewer='x3d')
#view(Si_V2, viewer='x3d')
The POSCAR.V1 and POSCAR.V2 files generated below have not been relaxed. This must be done before interpolation, e.g. using the following INCAR file:
Click here to reveal the optimization INCAR file!
System = Si
Electronic minimisation
ENCUT = 250
PREC = Normal # precision tag
EDIFFG = -0.01
EDIFF = 1e-6
DOS related values
ISMEAR = 0 # Gaussian smearing
SIGMA = 0.05 # Smearing width
Ionic relaxation
NSW = 500 # Max number of ionic steps
IBRION=2 # Conjugate gradient algorithm
ISIF=0 # Cell shape and volume fixed, ions free
Click here to reveal the interpolation script!
from import read_vasp
from import write_vasp
from ase.mep.neb import NEB
# Read final and initial vacancy structures from their respective POSCAR files V1 and V2
initial = read_vasp("./e01_NEB/POSCAR.V1")
final = read_vasp("./e01_NEB/POSCAR.V2")
# Make a band image of 4 files and concatenate them into a list
no_images = 4
images = [initial]
images += [initial.copy() for i in range(no_images)]
images += [final]
neb = NEB(images) # convert into ASE format
# Interpolate the four middle images from the initial and final
neb.interpolate(method="idpp", apply_constraint=True) # idpp ensures that the image atoms do not lie too close to other atoms; apply_constraint turns reads for selective dynamics, if you have set them
# Write out the POSCAR for each image
for image in images:
a += 1
write_vasp(("./e01_NEB/0"+str(a-1)+"/POSCAR"), image)
if a == no_images+2: break
Click here to reveal the POSCAR files for the initial and final structures and the four images in-between!
5.4699999999999998 5.4699999999999998 0.0000000000000000
0.0000000000000000 5.4699999999999998 5.4699999999999998
5.4699999999999998 0.0000000000000000 5.4699999999999998
0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000
1.3671586518987400 1.3671586518987400 1.3671586518987400
2.7349454006694627 0.0000000000000000 2.7349454006694627
4.1029484152820723 1.3648589317780140 4.1029484152820723
0.0000000000000000 2.7349454006694627 2.7349454006694627
1.3648589317780140 4.1029484152820723 4.1029484152820723
2.7382543911184447 2.7382543911184447 5.4765087822368894
4.1112502755029183 4.1112502755029183 6.8426350428209535
2.7349454006694627 2.7349454006694627 0.0000000000000000
4.1029484152820723 4.1029484152820723 1.3648589317780140
5.4765087822368894 2.7382543911184447 2.7382543911184447
6.8426350428209535 4.1112502755029174 4.1112502755029183
2.7382543911184447 5.4765087822368894 2.7382543911184447
4.1112502755029174 6.8426350428209535 4.1112502755029174
5.4967101394738123 5.4967101394738123 5.4967101394738123
5.4699999999999998 5.4699999999999998 0.0000000000000000
0.0000000000000000 5.4699999999999998 5.4699999999999998
5.4699999999999998 0.0000000000000000 5.4699999999999998
Selective Dynamics
0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 F F F
1.3670300457234879 1.3670300457234879 1.3670300457234879 T T T
2.7344532895378659 0.0000000000000000 2.7344532895378659 T F T
4.1023111536722139 1.3645333876656973 4.1023111536722139 T T T
0.0000000000000000 2.7344532895378659 2.7344532895378659 F T T
1.3645333876656973 4.1023111536722139 4.1023111536722139 T T T
2.7368303796572948 2.7368303796572948 5.4736607593145896 T T T
4.1105054591614119 4.1105054591614119 6.8390331629742418 T T T
2.7344532895378659 2.7344532895378659 0.0000000000000000 T T F
4.1023111536722139 4.1023111536722139 1.3645333876656973 T T T
5.4736607593145896 2.7368303796572948 2.7368303796572948 T T T
6.8390331629742418 4.1105054591614110 4.1105054591614119 T T T
2.7368303796572948 5.4736607593145896 2.7368303796572948 T T T
4.1105054591614110 6.8390331629742418 4.1105054591614110 T T T
5.7629786857685836 5.7629786857685836 5.7629786857685836 T T T
5.4699999999999998 5.4699999999999998 0.0000000000000000
0.0000000000000000 5.4699999999999998 5.4699999999999998
5.4699999999999998 0.0000000000000000 5.4699999999999998
Selective Dynamics
0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 F F F
1.3669014395482357 1.3669014395482357 1.3669014395482357 T T T
2.7339611784062692 0.0000000000000000 2.7339611784062692 T F T
4.1016738920623554 1.3642078435533804 4.1016738920623554 T T T
0.0000000000000000 2.7339611784062692 2.7339611784062692 F T T
1.3642078435533804 4.1016738920623554 4.1016738920623554 T T T
2.7354063681961454 2.7354063681961454 5.4708127363922907 T T T
4.1097606428199054 4.1097606428199054 6.8354312831275301 T T T
2.7339611784062692 2.7339611784062692 0.0000000000000000 T T F
4.1016738920623554 4.1016738920623554 1.3642078435533804 T T T
5.4708127363922907 2.7354063681961454 2.7354063681961454 T T T
6.8354312831275301 4.1097606428199045 4.1097606428199054 T T T
2.7354063681961454 5.4708127363922907 2.7354063681961454 T T T
4.1097606428199045 6.8354312831275301 4.1097606428199045 T T T
6.0292472320633550 6.0292472320633550 6.0292472320633550 T T T
5.4699999999999998 5.4699999999999998 0.0000000000000000
0.0000000000000000 5.4699999999999998 5.4699999999999998
5.4699999999999998 0.0000000000000000 5.4699999999999998
Selective Dynamics
0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 F F F
1.3667728333729838 1.3667728333729838 1.3667728333729838 T T T
2.7334690672746720 0.0000000000000000 2.7334690672746720 T F T
4.1010366304524979 1.3638822994410638 4.1010366304524979 T T T
0.0000000000000000 2.7334690672746720 2.7334690672746720 F T T
1.3638822994410638 4.1010366304524979 4.1010366304524979 T T T
2.7339823567349955 2.7339823567349955 5.4679647134699909 T T T
4.1090158264783989 4.1090158264783989 6.8318294032808193 T T T
2.7334690672746720 2.7334690672746720 0.0000000000000000 T T F
4.1010366304524979 4.1010366304524979 1.3638822994410638 T T T
5.4679647134699909 2.7339823567349955 2.7339823567349955 T T T
6.8318294032808193 4.1090158264783989 4.1090158264783989 T T T
2.7339823567349955 5.4679647134699909 2.7339823567349955 T T T
4.1090158264783989 6.8318294032808193 4.1090158264783989 T T T
6.2955157783581264 6.2955157783581264 6.2955157783581264 T T T
5.4699999999999998 5.4699999999999998 0.0000000000000000
0.0000000000000000 5.4699999999999998 5.4699999999999998
5.4699999999999998 0.0000000000000000 5.4699999999999998
Selective Dynamics
0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 F F F
1.3666442271977317 1.3666442271977317 1.3666442271977317 T T T
2.7329769561430752 0.0000000000000000 2.7329769561430752 T F T
4.1003993688426394 1.3635567553287469 4.1003993688426394 T T T
0.0000000000000000 2.7329769561430752 2.7329769561430752 F T T
1.3635567553287469 4.1003993688426394 4.1003993688426394 T T T
2.7325583452738460 2.7325583452738460 5.4651166905476920 T T T
4.1082710101368924 4.1082710101368924 6.8282275234341077 T T T
2.7329769561430752 2.7329769561430752 0.0000000000000000 T T F
4.1003993688426394 4.1003993688426394 1.3635567553287469 T T T
5.4651166905476920 2.7325583452738460 2.7325583452738460 T T T
6.8282275234341077 4.1082710101368924 4.1082710101368924 T T T
2.7325583452738460 5.4651166905476920 2.7325583452738460 T T T
4.1082710101368924 6.8282275234341077 4.1082710101368924 T T T
6.5617843246528968 6.5617843246528968 6.5617843246528968 T T T
5.4699999999999998 5.4699999999999998 0.0000000000000000
0.0000000000000000 5.4699999999999998 5.4699999999999998
5.4699999999999998 0.0000000000000000 5.4699999999999998
0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000
1.3665156210224796 1.3665156210224796 1.3665156210224796
2.7324848450114785 0.0000000000000000 2.7324848450114785
4.0997621072327810 1.3632312112164302 4.0997621072327810
0.0000000000000000 2.7324848450114785 2.7324848450114785
1.3632312112164302 4.0997621072327810 4.0997621072327810
2.7311343338126961 2.7311343338126961 5.4622686676253922
4.1075261937953860 4.1075261937953860 6.8246256435873960
2.7324848450114785 2.7324848450114785 0.0000000000000000
4.0997621072327810 4.0997621072327810 1.3632312112164302
5.4622686676253922 2.7311343338126961 2.7311343338126961
6.8246256435873960 4.1075261937953860 4.1075261937953860
2.7311343338126961 5.4622686676253922 2.7311343338126961
4.1075261937953860 6.8246256435873960 4.1075261937953860
6.8280528709476682 6.8280528709476682 6.8280528709476682
System = Si
! Electronic minimization
ENCUT = 250.0 # plane wave energy cutoff in eV
EDIFF = 1e-6 # electronic convergence criteria
! DOS related values
ISMEAR = 0 # Gaussian smearing
SIGMA = 0.05 # Smearing width
! single point
NSW = 0 # number of maximum ionic steps
System = Si
! Electronic minimization
ENCUT = 250
PREC = Normal # precision tag
EDIFFG = -0.04
EDIFF = 1e-6
! DOS related values
ISMEAR = 0 # Gaussian smearing
SIGMA = 0.05 # Smearing width
! Ionic relaxation
NSW = 100 # Max number of ionic steps
IBRION = 1 # Quasi-Newton algorithm
ISIF = 2 # Cell shape and volume fixed, ions free
IMAGES = 4 # 4 intermediate geometries for the NEB
SPRING = -5 # Spring constant
2 2 2
0 0 0
Pseudopotentials of Si.
Check the tags set in the INCAR.sp and INCAR.neb files!
The INCAR.sp file is for single-point calculations, while the INCAR.neb file is for performing the NEB calculation. Since they both use identical tags, only INCAR.neb will be gone through here.
The first four tags define the electronic minimization: ENCUT defines the plane wave basis, PREC defines how precise the calculations are, EDIFFG is the break condition for ionic relaxation, and EDIFF defines the break condition for the global, electronic self-consistency step. EDIFFG is the break condition for ionic relaxation. Negative values indicate a force threshold in eV Å-1; positive values lead to a break when the energy difference between two ionic steps is less than it. We recommend using force thresholds. The smearing is defined by ISMEAR and SIGMA.
The remaining tags specify the settings for the ionic relaxation. NSW is the maximum number of ionic steps taken. For a single-point calculation, this is set to 0. A quasi-Newton algorithm is set up for ionic relaxation using IBRION = 1. POTIM defines the ionic step width during the relaxation. ISIF = 2 allows the ionic positions to relax while keeping the cell shape and size fixed. You might see "BRIONS problems: POTIM should be increased" in the output. This indicates difficulties with the convergence. It may be fixed by increasing POTIM or by changing the algorithm used by IBRION.
The final two tags define the NEB. IMAGES sets the number of images (intermediate structures) used in the NEB calculation, in this case 4 (note that the MPI rank must be a product of the number of images). SPRING = -5 sets the spring constant for NEB.
The KPOINTS file specifies a Γ-centered $\mathbf{k}$-mesh.
The settings used in this tutorial are sufficient to run calculations quickly. For higher-quality results, increase the k-point mesh and the supercell size until results, e.g. formation energies, converge. EDIFFG should also be tightened, e.g. to -0.01 eV Å-1
1.3 Calculation¶
Open a terminal and navigate to this example's directory, then prepare the following:
cd $TUTORIALS/transition_states/e01_*
We will perform NEB using four images. Alongside the initial and final structure, there are six directories in total: initial (00
), sequential images (01
, 02
, 03
, 04
), and final (05
). Copies of the corresponding POSCAR files are provided with the other input files. The number of images is defined by IMAGES in the INCAR file.
An NEB calculation must be run from the parent ./e01_NEB
directory. The calculations for each image are then performed in the sub-directories by VASP. Now that you have finished preparing, you can run the NEB calculation by entering the ./e01_NEB
directory and running VASP:
cd $TUTORIALS/transition_states/e01_*
mpirun -np 4 vasp_std
Note that the stdout
printed on the screen is from image 1. The stdout
for the remaining images are found in their respective directories.
You have completed your first NEB calculation. Well done!
You have the energy of the NEB images as a Si atom diffuses to a neighboring vacancy site. The energies of the initial and final structures will also be required to investigate the energy profile, as these structures are fixed during the NEB calculation. Let us obtain these by doing single-point calculations for each of these. First, the initial structure:
cd $TUTORIALS/transition_states/e01_*
cp INCAR.sp 00/INCAR
cd ./00
mpirun -np 4 vasp_std
Then for the final structure:
cd $TUTORIALS/transition_states/e01_*
cp INCAR.sp 05/INCAR
cd ./05
mpirun -np 4 vasp_std
Due to the cheap settings used in this example, the final energies will not match those seen experimentally.
How could the energies be improved?
A denser $\mathbf{k}$-mesh could be used, e.g. 4x4x4. We also recommend running a final single-point calculation using the tetrahedron method to obtain good energies. A modified example INCAR file is given below.
! ab initio
ISMEAR= -5 ! tetrahedron method with Bloechl corrections
ENCUT = 250.0 ! plane wave energy cutoff in eV
EDIFF = 1e-6 ! electronic convergence relaxation
With all the calculations finished, it is helpful to look at how the structure changes. Begin by taking a look at the 3D structure using py4vasp:
import py4vasp
struc = "./e01_NEB/05"
calc = py4vasp.Calculation.from_path(struc)
calc.structure.plot() # to look at the final structure
The diffusion of the Si atom is largely along a straight line. By taking a cross-section of the Si supercell and projecting the positions onto it, the progression of the diffusion Si atom can be readily visualized from its initial position to the position of the original defect. The following script plots the projected structure of each image onto a pre-defined 2D-plane:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
from ase.visualize.plot import plot_atoms
from import read_vasp
# Read each of the images from their CONTCAR files
Si1 = read_vasp("./e01_NEB/00/CONTCAR")
Si2 = read_vasp("./e01_NEB/01/CONTCAR")
Si3 = read_vasp("./e01_NEB/02/CONTCAR")
Si4 = read_vasp("./e01_NEB/03/CONTCAR")
Si5 = read_vasp("./e01_NEB/04/CONTCAR")
Si6 = read_vasp("./e01_NEB/05/CONTCAR")
# Prepare a plot
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
# Plot the structures of each of the images
xyz1 = '90x,45y,0z' # Plane that structures are projected onto
plot_atoms(Si1, ax, radii=0.3, rotation=(xyz1), colors = ["red"]*15)
plot_atoms(Si2, ax, radii=0.3, rotation=(xyz1), colors = ["orange"]*15)
plot_atoms(Si3, ax, radii=0.3, rotation=(xyz1), colors = ["yellow"]*15)
plot_atoms(Si4, ax, radii=0.3, rotation=(xyz1), colors = ["green"]*15)
plot_atoms(Si5, ax, radii=0.3, rotation=(xyz1), colors = ["blue"]*15)
plot_atoms(Si6, ax, radii=0.3, rotation=(xyz1), colors = ["#7709f3"]*15)
# Add axis labels
ax.set_xlabel("x in $\mathrm{\AA}$")
ax.set_ylabel("y in $\mathrm{\AA}$")
# Add legend labels
handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
red = mpatches.Patch(color='red', label='Initial')
orange = mpatches.Patch(color='orange', label='Image 1')
yellow = mpatches.Patch(color='yellow', label='Image 2')
green = mpatches.Patch(color='green', label='Image 3')
blue = mpatches.Patch(color='blue', label='Image 4')
purple = mpatches.Patch(color='#7709f3', label='Final')
ax.legend(handles = [red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple], loc="upper right")
# Show and save plot
Most of the Si atoms remain in the same position for all the images. The diffusing Si atom is very distinct as it progresses from its initial position to occupy the vacancy site. The change of structure is clear throughout the process. Each image seems to be a similar distance apart. Let us see how the energy changes between images across the reaction profile using py4vasp:
import py4vasp
import numpy as np
import plotly.graph_objects as go
# Prepare required variables
distance, E_relative, E_abs = [], [], []
E_initial, r_initial, r_previous = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
# Extract energies for each image from their respective directories
# By looping over images
for image in ["00", "01", "02", "03", "04", "05"]:
calc = py4vasp.Calculation.from_path("./e01_NEB/" + image) # define the image location
# Save the initial position of the diffusing Si atom and the initial structure's energy - for calculating relative distance and energies
if image == "00":
r_initial = calc.structure.cartesian_positions()[-1]
E_initial =["free energy TOTEN"]
r_current = calc.structure.cartesian_positions()[-1] # positions of current image
# Calculate an approximate reaction path
# The distance that the diffusing Si atom has traveled from its initial position is calculated
# and then the energy of each image relative to the initial structure is calculated
dist = (np.sum((r_initial - r_current) ** 2, axis=0)) ** 0.5
E_abs.append(["free energy TOTEN"])
E_relative.append(["free energy TOTEN"] - E_initial)
# Create the plot using Plotly
fig = go.Figure()
name='Relative Energy',
# #4c265f
# Set plot titles and labels
xaxis_title="Distance traveled from initial Si position",
yaxis_title="Relative Energy in eV",
# Show the plot
The energetic profile is roughly symmetric with a peak ~0.7 eV. If we were to further investigate this transition, we would add additional images in between the four we currently have, to produce a fuller picture of the transition. Note that better convergence in a single calculation is achieved using a small number of images, e.g. up to four. If too many are used, however, then the optimization can become very computationally expensive.
With the example of Si diffusion across vacancies, you have now seen that it can be a complex process investigating transition states. You could take an intermediate image as a trial structure for finding the transition state. In the next section, you will learn how to optimize a trial transition state.
1.4 Questions¶
- Which tags do you need to specify an NEB calculation?
- What is the pathway that NEB finds?
- Why should you not optimize too many images at once?
By the end of this tutorial, you will be able to:
- calculate imaginary modes using a vibrational calculation
- optimize the transition state for H2 dissociation using the improved dimer method (IDM)
- check for imaginary frequencies for the transition state
2.1 Task¶
Optimize the transition state with the improved dimer method for H2 dissociation on Cu(111) using a 3-layered (2x2) supercell.
NEB allows you to find the reaction pathway. Other methods must be used to find the transition state (TS) itself and optimize along the reaction pathway to find the energetic maximum at a saddle point where there is only one imaginary frequency, i.e. the TS. One such method is the improved dimer method (IDM) [J. Chem. Phys. 111 (1999) 7010]. IDM is a local saddle-point search algorithm using the forces, as opposed to using the Hessian (i.e. the first derivative with respect to the energy and position rather than the second). The IDM proceeds in four steps illustrated and described below:
a) An initial direction $u_{\xi}$ is taken from the most negative vibrational mode of the trial structure. The trial structure is the first point $q$.
b) An additional point on the potential energy surface (PES) forward along the trial direction is defined $q + \delta u_{\xi}$. The first and second points together define the dimer.
c) The dimer is then rotated on the PES about $q$ by angle $\phi_1$ to $\tilde{q}$.
d) A new direction is defined by rotating $u_{\xi}$ by $\phi_{min}$ to minimize the negative curvature of the PES $\lambda$. A search direction $\bar{N}$ is defined using a minimization algorithm, then a translation is taken in the direction of $\bar{N}$ to $q + \epsilon \bar{N}$, where $\epsilon$ is a step distance.
The new structure $q + \epsilon \bar{N}$ is used to define a new dimer and steps a-d are repeated, rotation followed by translation, until the saddle point is reached, yielding a saddle point with only one negative vibrational mode, i.e. the transition state.
A simple example of reactive adsorption is the dissociative adsorption of H2 on Cu(111). The dissociation has been well-studied, with good experimental and theoretical data [J. Chem. Theory Comput. 13 (2017) 3208–3219]. In this exercise, you will use IDM to relax the transition state.
2.2 Preparing structures¶
The input files to run this example are prepared in $TUTORIALS/transition_states/e02_IDM
. Note that the additional lines in the POSCAR file after the positions are, generally, velocities.
Cu H
5.1053109601668734 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000
2.5526554800834367 4.4213289857236360 0.0000000000000000
0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 17.0220689435490975
Cu H
12 2
Selective dynamics
0.16666667 0.16666667 0.37755692 F F F
0.66666667 0.16666667 0.37755692 F F F
0.16666667 0.66666667 0.37755692 F F F
0.66666667 0.66666667 0.37755692 F F F
0.83333333 0.33333333 0.50000000 F F F
0.33333333 0.33333333 0.50000000 F F F
0.83333333 0.83333333 0.50000000 F F F
0.33333333 0.83333333 0.50000000 F F F
0.99238939 0.00352484 0.62042734 T T T
0.48015918 0.00298666 0.62122341 T T T
0.98637412 0.50378217 0.62136799 T T T
0.49056648 0.50136365 0.62111959 T T T
0.68831531 0.88592943 0.69883863 T T T
0.62492060 0.13310462 0.68602475 T T T
! Trial unstable direction
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0.027098 -0.003023 -0.015080
-0.022306 -0.004165 -0.029077
0.004290 -0.027089 -0.023693
0.003362 0.018196 -0.023398
0.061633 0.599759 0.325308
-0.179319 -0.518661 0.474306
Cu H
5.1053109601668734 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000
2.5526554800834367 4.4213289857236360 0.0000000000000000
0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 17.0220689435490975
Cu H
12 2
Selective dynamics
0.16666667 0.16666667 0.37755692 F F F
0.66666667 0.16666667 0.37755692 F F F
0.16666667 0.66666667 0.37755692 F F F
0.66666667 0.66666667 0.37755692 F F F
0.83333333 0.33333333 0.50000000 F F F
0.33333333 0.33333333 0.50000000 F F F
0.83333333 0.83333333 0.50000000 F F F
0.33333333 0.83333333 0.50000000 F F F
0.99238939 0.00352484 0.62042734 T T T
0.48015918 0.00298666 0.62122341 T T T
0.98637412 0.50378217 0.62136799 T T T
0.49056648 0.50136365 0.62111959 T T T
0.68831531 0.88592943 0.69883863 T T T
0.62492060 0.13310462 0.68602475 T T T
System: fcc Cu (111), 3 layers
! Ab initio
PREC = Normal
EDIFF = 1e-6 # electronic convergence
ISMEAR = 1 # First-order Methfessel-Paxton smearing
SIGMA = 0.2 # 0.2 eV smearing width
! Frequency
IBRION = 5 # Finite differences
NFREE = 2 # No. displacements for finite differences
NSW = 1 # Positive number of ionic steps
! Machine learned force field
ML_LMLFF = T # Turns on Machine learned force field (MLFF)
ML_MODE = run # Sets MLFF mode to running, rather than training
System: fcc Cu (111), 3 layers
! Ab initio
PREC = Normal
EDIFF = 1e-6 # electronic convergence
NELMIN = 5 # at least 5 el. scf steps for each ionic step
ISMEAR = 1 # First-order Methfessel-Paxton smearing
SIGMA = 0.2 # 0.2 eV smearing width
NSW = 20
IBRION=44 # use the dimer method as optimization engine
3 3 1
0 0 0
Pseudopotentials of Cu and H.
Check the tags set in the INCAR file! These have already been described in Example 1, with the following exceptions:
The frequency calculation is defined in INCAR.freq1. IBRION = 5 sets up a finite-difference calculation and NFREE the number of displacements. ML_LMLFF = T and L_MODE = run enables the use of a pre-trained machine-learned force field (MLFF). The IDM calculation is defined in INCAR.idm and set up with IBRION = 44.
Two remaining tags are used: NELMIN defines the minimum number of elementary electronic steps.
The KPOINTS file specifies a 2D $\mathbf{k}$-mesh. There is only the Γ-point in the direction perpendicular to the surface. Since this is a surface, we do not want interaction between the periodic images, therefore the minimum number of $\mathbf{k}$-points, one, and a large vacuum are used.
The settings used in this tutorial are sufficient to run quickly. For higher-quality results, converge the results, e.g. adsorption energies, with respect to the k-point mesh, the size of the vacuum, and the number of layers used (four or more is standard in quantum chemical calculations). Note that for the IDM, we have set the number of ionic steps NSW = 20. This was selected for speed, such that there is only one imaginary frequency remaining. True convergence would take many more steps, on the order of hundreds or thousands of steps.
2.3 Calculation¶
Open a terminal, navigate to this example's directory, and navigate to the directory:
cd $TUTORIALS/transition_states/e02_*
2.3.1 Vibrational analysis of the trial structure¶
For the first step, take the H2/Cu(111) structure provided in POSCAR.freq1 and run a vibrational analysis, first linking to the location of the machine-learned force field ML_FFN
as ML_FF
. The vibrational analysis will provide the frequency modes of the phonons and their associated forces.
cd $TUTORIALS/transition_states/e02_*/freq1/
ln -s ../../mlff/MLFF_e02/ML_FFN ML_FF
mpirun -np 4 vasp_std
Once the calculation is finished, search for the frequency modes using the following:
grep "cm-1" $TUTORIALS/transition_states/e02_*/freq1/OUTCAR
The vibrational modes with their frequencies in several different units will be printed out:
1 f = 45.115633 THz 283.469886 2PiTHz 1504.895547 cm-1 186.583184 meV
2 f = 41.417254 THz 260.232281 2PiTHz 1381.530879 cm-1 171.287921 meV
3 f = 14.024817 THz 88.120523 2PiTHz 467.817533 cm-1 58.001956 meV
15 f = 1.895701 THz 11.911042 2PiTHz 63.233786 cm-1 7.839987 meV
16 f = 1.644956 THz 10.335564 2PiTHz 54.869830 cm-1 6.802989 meV
17 f/i= 2.504934 THz 15.738964 2PiTHz 83.555604 cm-1 10.359570 meV
18 f/i= 28.911252 THz 181.654755 2PiTHz 964.375566 cm-1 119.567278 meV
You can see that there are two imaginary modes. For a transition state, there should only be one. The IDM will relax along the larger mode, removing the smaller one.
These modes may be visualized using the following script:
python3 ../../scripts/vibFreq/ 0.0 0.2 0.0 > freq.dat
generates the hesseModes_shifted.molden
file. Download and visualize it in JMol or molden. The image below shows an image of the H2 molecule on the Cu(111) surface with the strongest vibrational mode, the one that we are interested in, shown with a double-headed orange arrow.
The vibration is the stretch of the H-H bond. During dissociation, this bond breaks. Therefore, we will perform an IDM following this unstable vibrational mode to find the transition state for the dissociation on the surface.
2.3.2 Improved Dimer Method¶
For IDM we want to relax along the most unstable imaginary mode (largest frequency) toward the transition state. We take this direction from the unstable phonon modes calculated in Section 2.3.1. Here, we have only a few unstable modes because the structure is close to relaxed. Take the mode with the largest frequency using the following script. You can find the expected result in POSCAR.idm.
Click here to reveal a script to extract them from your calculation!
POSCAR.idm already has these, but you may take them from your OUTCAR in Section 2.3.1 and add them to your POSCAR file yourself using the following:
cd $TUTORIALS/e02_*/freq1/
grep -A 15 "18 f/i=" OUTCAR | awk '{print $4 " " $5 " " $6}' | tail -n 14 > temp
echo "! Unstable trial direction" >> POSCAR
cat temp >> POSCAR
rm temp
cp POSCAR ../idm
This relaxation will last only 20 steps before terminating (defined by NSW), so will not be fully converged. However, you will perform a second frequency calculation in the next section to confirm that there is only one imaginary frequency in the relaxed structure.
Take a look at the structures with py4vasp:
import py4vasp
struc = "./e02_IDM/idm/"
calc = py4vasp.Calculation.from_path(struc)
2.3.3 Vibrational analysis of optimized transition state¶
Test that a saddle point with a single imaginary frequency has been obtained using the following:
cd $TUTORIALS/transition_states/e02_*
cp idm/CONTCAR freq2/POSCAR
cd freq2
ln -s ../../mlff/MLFF_e02/ML_FFN ML_FF
mpirun -np 4 vasp_std
Once this vibrational analysis is finished, you may search for frequency modes again:
cd $TUTORIALS/transition_states/e02_*/freq2/
grep "cm-1" OUTCAR
Resulting in the following output:
1 f = 50.817114 THz 319.293345 2PiTHz 1695.076468 cm-1 210.162602 meV
2 f = 38.497867 THz 241.889230 2PiTHz 1284.150605 cm-1 159.214312 meV
3 f = 15.383430 THz 96.656942 2PiTHz 513.135994 cm-1 63.620726 meV
15 f = 3.793943 THz 23.838049 2PiTHz 126.552329 cm-1 15.690482 meV
16 f = 1.905720 THz 11.973993 2PiTHz 63.567980 cm-1 7.881421 meV
17 f = 1.586471 THz 9.968091 2PiTHz 52.918973 cm-1 6.561114 meV
18 f/i= 15.906183 THz 99.941492 2PiTHz 530.573138 cm-1 65.782656 meV
You can see that there is only one imaginary mode. This mode may be visualized using the following script:
python3 ../../scripts/vibFreq/ 0.0 0.2 0.0 > freq.dat
Congratulations, you have successfully found a transition state for the dissociation of H2 on Cu(111)! The remaining imaginary frequency may be visualized using the following
, which generates the hesseModes_shifted.molden
file containing vibrational data in molden format. Visualize it in JMol or molden once downloaded.
Let us take a look at the optimization:
import py4vasp
site = "./e02_IDM/idm"
calc = py4vasp.Calculation.from_path(site)[:].to_plotly()
Even from a small number of steps, it is clear that there are occasionally rapid drops in energy. For comparison, let us take a look at a longer IDM calculation for the same system:
import py4vasp
site = "./e02_IDM/"
calc = py4vasp.Calculation.from_path(site)[:].to_plotly()
POSCAR.idm file that you have calculated was taken from ~600 steps into this longer calculation. You can immediately see that there is a gradual decay before this, then a rapid drop is seen around 600 before plateauing. It is this drop where the additional imaginary frequency is removed.
You have successfully optimized the transition state! From here, you could perform an IRC calculation to obtain the product and reactant systems, which would enable comparison between barrier heights and experiment. The intrinsic reaction coordinate (IRC) will be gone through in Example 4.
2.4 Questions¶
- What optimization approach does IBRION = 44 set?
- How many imaginary frequencies should there be in the transition state?
- What sort of calculation should you perform to obtain a trial imaginary frequency?
By the end of this tutorial, you will be able to:
- prepare structures for an elbow plot
- visualize a 2D cross-section of the PES
3.1 Task¶
Create an elbow plot for H2 dissociation on Cu(111) using a 3-layered (2x2) supercell.
IDM gives an optimized structure for the transition state. This is the midpoint of the reaction pathway between reactants and products, which may be calculated using NEB. Another technique may be used for diatomic molecules. They have six degrees of freedom and so a meaningful subset can be taken. With the surface fixed in place, a 2D potential energy surface (PES) for the diatomic can be produced with the height of the diatomic center of mass z and the bond length r as the two degrees of freedom. This 2D PES is called an elbow plot and shows a slice of the PES as a contour plot [Phys. Rev. Lett. 73, 1400 (1994), Phys. Rev. B 62, 8295].
Following on from the previous exercise, you will create an elbow plot for the dissociative adsorption of H2 on Cu(111) in this one.
3.2 Preparing structures¶
The input files to run this example are prepared in $TUTORIALS/transition_states/e03_Elbow_plot
5.1053109601668734 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000
2.5526554800834367 4.4213289857236360 0.0000000000000000
0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 17.0220689435490975
Selective dynamics
1.2763277400417001 0.7368881642872622 6.4268000000000303 F F F
3.8289832201251368 0.7368881642872622 6.4268000000000303 F F F
2.5526554800834185 2.9475526571490800 6.4268000000000303 F F F
5.1053109601668556 2.9475526571490800 6.4268000000000303 F F F
5.1053109601668920 1.4737763285745558 8.5110344717745487 F F F
2.5526554800834549 1.4737763285745558 8.5110344717745487 F F F
6.3816387002086099 3.6844408214363740 8.5110344717745487 F F F
3.8289832201251732 3.6844408214363740 8.5110344717745487 F F F
0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 10.5987747510960109 T T T
2.5526554800834367 0.0000000000000000 10.5987747510960109 T T T
1.2763277400417183 2.2106644928618180 10.5987747510960109 T T T
3.8289832201251550 2.2106644928618180 10.5987747510960109 T T T
System: fcc Cu (111), 3 layers
! Ab initio
NSW = 0 # Single ionic step, i.e. single point
ISMEAR = 1 # First-order Methfessel-Paxton smearing
SIGMA = 0.2 # 0.2 eV smearing width
LCHARG=.FALSE. # Does not save the CHG or CHGCAR files to disk
LWAVE=.FALSE. # Does not save the WAVECAR files to disk
1 1 1
0 0 0
Pseudopotentials of Cu and H.
Check the tags set in the INCAR file! Two new tags are LCHARG and LWAVE. These determine whether or not the CHGCAR and CHG, and WAVECAR files, respectively, are written to disk. Since many calculations are being run in this exercise, these are set to ".FALSE." to conserve disk space. Otherwise, all INCAR tags are have been previously defined.
Note that NSW = 0 so that single-point calculations are performed.
A Γ-point only $\mathbf{k}$-mesh is used. We stress that the $\mathbf{k}$-mesh here is very poor and is only used for illustrative purposes in this tutorial.
3.3 Calculation¶
The structures for the elbow plot are created by taking a bare Cu(111) surface
and placing H2 on the surface, for a set of heights above the surface z and bond lengths r. To begin with, open a terminal and navigate to this example's directory:
cd $TUTORIALS/transition_states/e03_*/elbow/
In the following script, using ASE, the POSCAR files are generated for all H2 heights above the surface z and bond lengths r. Use the following:
from import read_vasp
from import write_vasp
import numpy as np
# Calculates the coordinates of the bridge site and the z-coordinate of the surface
bridge = read_vasp("./e03_Elbow_plot/")
x_centre = (bridge.positions[-1][0] + bridge.positions[-2][0])/2
y_centre = (bridge.positions[-1][1] + bridge.positions[-2][1])/2
surf_z = bridge.positions[-1][2]
count, z_count, r_count = 0, 0, 0
coord = [] # for storing coordinates
dec = 3 # Number of decimal places
# generate the z- and r-positions
z_steps = np.linspace(start=1.0, stop=3.0, num=7)
r_steps = np.linspace(start=0.5, stop=2.5, num=7)
# Generate the H2/Cu(111) structures
# Looping through z-positions
for z_count, z in enumerate(z_steps):
# Looping through r-positions
for r_count, r in enumerate(r_steps):
count += 1
bridge = read_vasp("./e03_Elbow_plot/") # Read in surface POSCAR
H1 = [ x_centre, y_centre + round(r,dec)/2, surf_z + round(z,dec)] # Position of first H atom
H2 = [ x_centre, y_centre - round(r,dec)/2, surf_z + round(z,dec)] # Position of second H atom
bridge.append("H"); bridge.append("H") # Add 2 H atoms to structure
bridge.positions[-1] = H2 # Place H2 at its position
bridge.positions[-2] = H1 # Place H1 at its position
write_vasp("./e03_Elbow_plot/elbow/POSCAR."+str(count), bridge) # Write out numbered POSCAR files
coord.append([count, z_count, r_count, round(z, dec), round(r, dec)]) # Save details for storage
This generates a lot of structures. Prepare the directories for each structure using the following:
cd $TUTORIALS/transition_states/e03_*/elbow/
for a in POS*; do
mkdir $temp
cp $a $temp/POSCAR
cp ../INCAR ../POTCAR ../KPOINTS $temp
How many structures does this generate? Click here to reveal!
There are 6 points along z and 6 along r, plus an additional one for each so that the upper limits are included, making 7, so 7$^2$ means 49 points in total.
They may then be run using the provided run script:
cd $TUTORIALS/transition_states/e03_*/elbow
bash run
Click here to show the run script!
VASP="mpirun -np 4 vasp_gam"
for a in */; do
cd $a
echo $a
cd ..
Why is vasp_gam used here?
Since only the Γ-point is used, the calculation can be more efficient using the gamma-only version of VASP as the wavefunction is real rather than complex.
You have successfully generated all of the necessary data. Now let us produce a contour plot using it! The following script extracts the energies for each structure with the corresponding z and r coordinates. It first loops over the range of z- and r-positions, then uses py4vasp to extract the energy for each calculation. The energy is then presented as a contour plot on a mesh z-r grid.
Run the following script to create the elbow plot:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import as cm
import numpy as np
from import read_vasp
import py4vasp
# Extract energies for each z- and r- position
E = []
z_steps = np.linspace(start=1.0, stop=3.0, num=7)
r_steps = np.linspace(start=0.5, stop=2.5, num=7)
count = 1
A = []
# Looping through z-positions
for z_count, z in enumerate(z_steps):
# Looping through r-positions
a = []
for r_count, r in enumerate(r_steps):
struc = "./e03_Elbow_plot/elbow/" + str(count) # Find the POSCAR.i structure
calc = py4vasp.Calculation.from_path(struc) # Read hdf5 files
e =["free energy TOTEN"] # Extract total energy
E.append(e) # Add to list
count += 1
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
# Makes Z-R grid
Z, R = np.meshgrid(z_steps, r_steps) # Creates a mesh grid for contour plot
# Converts E to the correct format for Z-R grid
e = []
for i in range(0, len(z_steps)):
temp = []
for j in range(0, len(r_steps)):
temp.append(E[i + j*len(r_steps)]) # Sorts E list according to contour plot format
# Spacing for dashed contours - set to every 0.5 eV
spacings = np.arange(round(min(E),1), round(max(E),1), 0.5)
CS = ax.contourf(Z, R, e, 50,, corner_mask=True)
CS2 = ax.contour(Z, R, e, levels=spacings, colors='black')#, linestyles='solid')
ax.clabel(CS2, inline=True, fontsize=10)
cbar = fig.colorbar(CS)
ax.set_title('H$_{2}$/Cu(111) PES above bridge site')
ax.set_xlabel('r in Å')
ax.set_ylabel('z in Å')
Congratulations! You've produced your first elbow plot! Below is an example using tighter settings. Run the following script to visualize it. What differences can you see?
from IPython.display import Image
PATH = "./e03_Elbow_plot/"
Image(filename = PATH + "elbow_plot.png", width=800)
The two plots look visually similar. However, the second plot is an 112 point grid, so there are 121 points in total. More points mean that the contours are less jagged and smoother as they offer a better description of the PES. Also, energetically the latter is far more negative, due to a denser $\mathbf{k}$-point mesh being used, 3x3x1, rather than only the Γ-point. For fully converged results, much finer meshes would be required, but the difference is apparent here.
Note that there are two minima, which correspond to the H2 molecule on the bridge site and two H atoms adsorbed in fcc and hcp sites, i.e. the dissociated molecule adsorbed on the surface.
3.4 Questions¶
- Why do the two images differ so much?
- What systems can elbow plots be used to describe?
- What adsorption structures do the two different minima correspond to?
By the end of this tutorial, you will be able to:
- follow the intrinsic reaction coordinate (IRC) forward to the product and backward to the reactant
- visualize the reaction profile and the reactants/ products
4.1 Task¶
Follow the intrinsic reaction coordinate for SN2 Cl- substitution of chloromethane from the transition state in a 12×12×12 Å3 supercell using a machine-learned force field.
A final transition state approach is to calculate the intrinsic reaction coordinate (IRC) [J. Phys. Chem. A 106 (2002) 165]. The steepest descent path from the transition state in mass-weighted Cartesian coordinates defines the IRC, producing the reaction profile along this coordinate. Beginning from the transition state TS, the structure is propagated along the TS' imaginary vibrational mode $u_{\xi}$ forward toward the product P and backward to the reactant R using a damped-velocity Verlet (DVV) algorithm. The structure of the TS must be already well-optimized, e.g. using IDM.
The SN2 substitution reaction of CH3Cl by Cl- will be followed using IRC. A machine-learned force field (MLFF) will be used to speed up the calculation so that it finishes within a few minutes.
4.2 Input¶
The input files to run this example are prepared at $TUTORIALS/transition_states/e04_IRC
transition state for the SN2 reaction of CH3Cl with Cl-
12.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000
0.0000000000000000 12.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000
0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 12.0000000000000000
C H Cl
1 3 2
0.5850734246784209 0.5520914206000113 0.6939676081570985 ! coordinates for atom 1
0.6198799799863561 0.5166828822917992 0.6192173893914401
0.5120438703668218 0.5155341457726120 0.7311383922253840
0.6232988535554732 0.6240585575728448 0.7315296645899942
0.4727762112937258 0.6675904758190063 0.5870243322899322
0.6973145053782144 0.4366510550400121 0.8010186348593505 ! coordinates for atom N
! unstable direction optimized by the dimer method
0.50309310E+00 -0.52116977E+00 0.48103627E+00 ! components for atom 1
-0.29990134E-01 0.31072124E-01 -0.24160721E-01
-0.37734828E-01 0.43431417E-01 -0.39422281E-01
-0.41647034E-01 0.41752749E-01 -0.38921427E-01
-0.20205452E+00 0.20762993E+00 -0.17619553E+00
-0.19166655E+00 0.19728353E+00 -0.20233630E+00 ! components for atom N
! IRC settings
IBRION = 40 # invokes the IRC calculation
IRC_DIRECTION = -1 # negative initial direction of movement
IRC_STOP = 20 # terminate when IRC_STOP energies in row increase
IRC_VNORM0 = 0.0005 # affects accuracy, the smaller the better but the more
# ionic steps needed
NSW = 5000 # maximal number of steps
! Ab initio settings
ISIF = 2
NELECT = 22 # the overall charge of this system is -1 hence the number
# of electrons is increased (not really needed when
# the calculation is done at the MLFF level)
! ML settings
ML_LMLFF = .TRUE. # invoke MLFF
ML_MODE = run # sets the mode of MLFF to production
1 1 1
0. 0. 0.
Pseudopotentials of C, H, and Cl.
The POSCAR file is a little different to what you have seen previously. The coordinates are not given in cartesian coordinates (xyz) but in direct (in terms of the lattice vectors). Additionally, there are more lines after the ionic coordinates, which define the unstable direction for the IRC to follow obtained from an IDM calculation.
Check the tags set in the INCAR file! Most of these have been defined in the previous exercises. We will go through the ones specific to here. There are two ML tags, ML_LMLFF and ML_MODE, which use a pre-generated machine-learned force field (MLFF).
The IRC calculation is defined using IBRION = 40. The direction of the initial displacement of the transition state structure along the unstable direction is set using IRC_DIRECTION; 1 sets it parallel to the unstable direction toward the product, while -1 sets it antiparallel to the unstable direction and toward the reactant. IRC_STOP = 20 sets the number of steps of relatively constant energy before the IRC calculation terminates and IRC_VNORM0 sets the constant velocity vector.
The only remaining tag is NELECT = 22, which adds an extra electron to the system (the chloride ion holds a negative charge).
A Γ-point only $\mathbf{k}$-mesh is used, sufficient for a gas-phase reaction.
4.3 Calculation¶
Open a terminal and navigate to this example's directory by entering the following:
cd $TUTORIALS/transition_states/e04_*
A machine-learned force field (MLFF) has been prepared in $TUTORIALS/transition_states/mlff/MLFF_e04/
. The ML_FFN file contains machine learning training data in binary that can be used for our system. IRC requires many steps, so using an MLFF significantly decreases the cost of the calculation. As these files can be quite large, a symbolic link ln -s
should be created to conserve disk space.
Two separate directores are required for calculating the IRC, one forward p
(plus) and one backward m
(minus). For the backward calculation use the following:
cd $TUTORIALS/transition_states/e04_*
mkdir p
cd ./p
ln -s $TUTORIALS/transition_states/mlff/MLFF_e04/ML_FFN ML_FF
mpirun -np 4 vasp_gam
The forward calculation is identical, except that IRC_DIRECTION
in the INCAR file must be changed from -1 to 1:
cd $TUTORIALS/transition_states/e04_*
mkdir m
cd ./m
ln -s $TUTORIALS/transition_states/mlff/MLFF_e04/ML_FFN ML_FF
mpirun -np 4 vasp_gam
Congratulations, you've completed your first IRC calculation! This IRC calculation took only a few seconds to do ~450 steps. The machine-learning force field is the reason that this was affordable. It would have taken several hours if this had been done fully ab initio.
Now let us analyze the data. To extract it, simply use the
script with the following commands:
cd $TUTORIALS/transition_states/e04_*
Click to see the script!
e0=$(grep "IRC (A):" m/OUTCAR|awk '{print $5}'|head -1)
grep "IRC (A):" m/OUTCAR|awk '{print $3,$5 - "'${e0}'"}' >tmp.tmp
grep "IRC (A):" p/OUTCAR|awk '{print $3,$5 - "'${e0}'"}' >>tmp.tmp
sort -n tmp.tmp >ircShift.dat
rm tmp.tmp
extracts the energy and the IRC coordinate at each step:
IRC (A): -0.77141163 E(eV): -.28118857E+02
What do you expect the shape of the reaction pathway to be?
Let us visualize the data to find out:
import py4vasp
import numpy as np
irc = np.genfromtxt("./e04_IRC/ircShift.dat",unpack=True,usecols=range(2))
py4vasp.plot(irc[0], irc[1], xlabel="Intrinsic reaction coordinate in Å", ylabel="Energy in eV")
The graph shows a neatly symmetric curve. The ion attacks the carbon directly opposite the chlorine atom, then inverts the methyl group, to eject the original Cl as Cl-. Overall, this reaction conserves the reactants, so the input equals the output, thus creating a symmetric curve.

To get a better sense of the reaction, you may visualize the reactant and product structures using the following script:
import py4vasp
struc = "./e04_IRC/m/"
struc = "./e04_IRC/p/"
calc = py4vasp.Calculation.from_path(struc)
import py4vasp
struc = "./e04_IRC/p/"
struc = "./e04_IRC/m/"
calc = py4vasp.Calculation.from_path(struc)
calc.structure.plot([1,1,1]) # visualize as a 2x2x1 supercell
#calc.structure[:].plot() # watch the IRC forward (p) or backward (m) process
A video of the reaction can be created using the scripts
. These two scripts extract the IRC coordinate every 10 steps for the backward and forward reaction, respectively. Run them one after the other and stick them together using the following:
cd $TUTORIALS/transition_states/e04_*
python3 ../scripts/pos2xyzNVT/ m/XDATCAR 10 0 0.2 0 >
python3 ../scripts/pos2xyzNVT/ p/XDATCAR 10 0 0.2 0 >>
You can view the animated the reaction using the
file in JMol. A recording of
is given below:
Click here to watch a video of the entire SN2 reaction from reactant to product via the transition state!
You can see that the entire process progresses smoothly from reactant to product. This reaction is a simple, symmetric one. Later, the techniques learned here will be applied to a more complex and interesting reaction.
4.4 Questions¶
- What tag must you change to get the forward and backward transitions?
- How long would an equivalent ab initio IRC calculation take?
- Why is the IRC curve symmetric in this reaction?