Optical Properties

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Optical Properties

#1 Post by hpaudel » Wed Jul 21, 2010 9:41 pm

Hi Vasp users,

I am trying to calculate some optical properties. I used LOPTICS = . TURE. , NPAR=1 for PAW potential. Vasp generated the OPTIC file but It was empty. Nothing was written in OPTIC file. I am really confused, is it a binary file or my calculation is wrong? Following is my INCAR file.

ISTART = 2 # 0 start fr. scratch, no wavefunction WAVECAR need
ICHARG = 11 # 2 start fr. scratch,
# 1 read from CHGCAR,
# 0 Calculate from WAVE function
# 11 read charge density from CHGCAR and keep constant during the subsequent run
#NEDOS = 2000
#NBANDS = 60
LREAL = .FALSE. # reciprocal space projection scheme .FALSE.
# automatic real space projection scheme AUTO?
ISPIN = 1 # non spin polarized calculations 1
# spin polarized calculations 2
EDIFF = 0.0001 # Convergency of ELECTRONIC iteration
EDIFFG = -0.01 # Convergency of IONIC iteration
# "-" mean the condition for FORCE
ENCUT = 500 # Energy cuttoff, need to test your value
LWAVE = .TRUE. # Save wavefunction WAVECAR or not
LCHARG = .TRUE. # Save CHGCAR charge density
NELM = 200 # Maximum number of electronic iteration
NSW = 0 # maximum number of ionic iteration
# 0 or 1 mean there is no relaxation (fix everything)
IBRION = -1 # -1 Ions won't move
# 2 Do relaxation, ions will move after every ionic iteration
#ISIF = 2 # stress, relaxation, volume change
IALGO = 48
POTIM = 0.10 # time step for ionic-motion
TEIN = 0.0 # initial temperature
TEBEG = 0.0
TEEND = 0.0 # temperature during run
ISMEAR = -5 # 0 gaussian smearing
# -5 tetrahedron method
SIGMA = 0.2 # Width of smearing

ISYM = 0

Thank you for your help.

Last edited by hpaudel on Wed Jul 21, 2010 9:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Optical Properties

#2 Post by support_vasp » Wed Sep 11, 2024 2:24 pm


We're sorry that we didn’t answer your question. This does not live up to the quality of support that we aim to provide. The team has since expanded. If we can still help with your problem, please ask again in a new post, linking to this one, and we will answer as quickly as possible.

Best wishes,

