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Failed to achieve convergence when electric field is switched on

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 2:06 am
by vasphys
Hi, I am trying to study the effect of electric field on the adsorption of gas atom on surface. without electric field , relaxation goes fine.However, I have problem to achieve relaxation convergence when i switch on the electric field in Z direction.

At first, the electronic relaxation can not achieve the accuracy within default 60 cycles. I have tried to increase it to 80.

I have also tried to change the mix parameter as

However, i still encounter problems.
For example, in OUTCAR, I find for one electronic relaxation step,

DIPCOR: dipole corrections for dipol
direction 3 min pos 6,
dipolmoment 0.000000 0.000000 0.912249 electrons x Angstroem
Tr[quadrupol] -2327.486431

energy correction for charged system 0.000000 eV
dipol+quadrupol energy correction -0.044904 eV
added-field ion interaction -5.346719 eV (added to PSCEN)

Broyden mixing:
rms(total) = 0.82333E-01 rms(broyden)= 0.82333E-01
rms(prec ) = 0.87869E-01
weight for this iteration 100.00

eigenvalues of (default mixing * dielectric matrix)
average eigenvalue GAMMA= 1.4383
5.3317 5.3317 4.9586 4.1630 2.3620 2.3620 2.3647 2.0575 1.3137 1.3137
0.7937 0.7937 1.1182 1.1182 0.9931 0.9931 0.8856 0.7228 0.7228 0.2608
0.2608 0.4432 0.3551 0.3551 0.1967 0.1335 0.0007 0.0026 0.0024

Free energy of the ion-electron system (eV)
alpha Z PSCENC = 54.04659881
Ewald energy TEWEN = 23745.15327744
-1/2 Hartree DENC = -28851.42252664
-V(xc)+E(xc) XCENC = 535.03161939
PAW double counting = 3169.92096210 -3221.15885353
entropy T*S EENTRO = 0.00000000
eigenvalues EBANDS = -1759.06692635
atomic energy EATOM = 6026.66363728
free energy TOTEN = -300.83221149 eV

energy without entropy = -300.83221149 energy(sigma->0) = -300.83221149


In the following step,

DIPCOR: dipole corrections for dipol
direction 3 min pos 144,
dipolmoment 0.000000 0.000000 -646.079567 electrons x Angstroem
Tr[quadrupol] -5173.133808

energy correction for charged system 0.000000 eV
dipol+quadrupol energy correction -22523.099855 eV
added-field ion interaction 68185.056883 eV (added to PSCEN)

Broyden mixing:
rms(total) = 0.12641E+02 rms(broyden)= 0.12638E+02
rms(prec ) = 0.16807E+02
weight for this iteration 100.00

eigenvalues of (default mixing * dielectric matrix)
average eigenvalue GAMMA= 1.3908
5.3376 5.3376 4.9702 4.1510 2.3617 2.3617 2.3875 2.0355 1.3145 1.3145
0.7937 0.7937 1.1188 1.1188 0.9929 0.9929 0.8858 0.7228 0.7228 0.2608
0.2608 0.4432 0.3551 0.3551 0.1967 0.1335 0.0000 0.0007 0.0026 0.0024

Free energy of the ion-electron system (eV)
alpha Z PSCENC = 45721.39525096
Ewald energy TEWEN = 23745.15327744
-1/2 Hartree DENC = -28850.43322811
-V(xc)+E(xc) XCENC = 535.04012131
PAW double counting = 3168.94090404 -3220.16189141
entropy T*S EENTRO = -0.00000016
eigenvalues EBANDS = -86861.30415609
atomic energy EATOM = 6026.66363728
free energy TOTEN = -39734.70608474 eV

energy without entropy = -39734.70608458 energy(sigma->0) = -39734.70608466

I am wondering, how can the dipole correction change so dramatically from one electronic step to the next one. I noticed the change of the line
from : direction 3 min pos 6,
to : direction 3 min pos 144,
what does 6 and 144 mean?

I am using INCAR like :

EDIFF=1E-5 # default is 0.0001, default EDIFFG is 10*EDIFF
ISIF=1 #no cell shape and no cell volumn, no tensor calculation, just force
AMIX = 0.2
BMIX = 0.0001 ! almost zero, but 0 will crash some versions
AMIX_MAG = 0.8
BMIX_MAG = 0.0001 ! almost zero, but 0 will crash some versions
IALGO = 38 algorithm
ISYM=2 # default for PAW

Also, My KPOINT is :
Automatic mesh
8 8 2
0 0 0

Any suggestions to improve the convergence?

Re: Failed to achieve convergence when electric field is switched on

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2024 2:14 pm
by support_vasp


We're sorry that we didn’t answer your question. This does not live up to the quality of support that we aim to provide. The team has since expanded. If we can still help with your problem, please ask again in a new post, linking to this one, and we will answer as quickly as possible.

Best wishes,