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Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 4:06 pm
by Eduard
Dear All,

I am presently runing ab-initio calculations with VASP to study how organic molecules adsorb on metalic surface ( ex. Cu surface). The unit cell which I am using for some of my systems is a 2x2x1 unit cell (which is the experimental found unit cell ). This unit cell contains 50 atoms, from which 32 are Cu atoms and 18 are C+O+H atoms. Such a cell is large enought such that one can run the job on, up to, 256 CPUs without any problems.

Recently, I have got access to some large supercomputers. This is a good thing as I have also larger systems which I am running and which otherwise would need a lot of time to converge.

The problem is, however, that I still have to converged some small systems (as the one described above) and I have difficulties to do this on the large supercomputers. The smallest number of CPUs which I can ask for is 1024 CPUs and I do not have access to smaller machines. 1024 CPUs is however too much for a system of only 50 atoms.

I have tried to solve this problem in several ways:

1) by increasing the E_cut_off, the number of bands and the size of the supercell in the z-direction. Didn't work. I need unrealistic (huge) values to get something working.

2) by going from a 2x2x1 supercell to a 4x4x1 supercell. This means going from 50 atoms to 200 atoms (and of course doubling the supercell in the x and y direction). This works. My question is now: when relaxing the 4x4 unit cell will VASP relax INDEPENDENTLY all the 4 images or will relax only 1 image and then change the other 3 images accordingly ??? Looking into the OUTCAR I see that VASP notice that the given 4x4 supercell can be decomposed into 4 smaller cells:


Lattice vectors:

A1 = ( 0.0000000000, 0.0000000000, -10.2853630000)
A2 = ( 0.0000000000, -14.5457000000, 0.0000000000)
A3 = ( -26.8570110000, 0.0000000000, 0.0000000000)
Subroutine PRICEL returns following result:

LATTYP: Found a simple orthorhombic cell.
ALAT = 5.1426810000
B/A-ratio = 1.4142137146
C/A-ratio = 5.2223754497

Lattice vectors:

A1 = ( 0.0000000000, 0.0000000000, -5.1426810000)
A2 = ( 0.0000000000, -7.2728500000, 0.0000000000)
A3 = ( -26.8570110000, 0.0000000000, 0.0000000000)

4 primitive cells build up your supercell.

Analysis of symmetry for initial positions (statically):

Routine SETGRP: Setting up the symmetry group for a
simple orthorhombic supercell.

Subroutine GETGRP returns: Found 1 space group operations
(whereof 1 operations were pure point group operations)
out of a pool of 8 trial point group operations.

The static configuration has the point symmetry C_1 .

Analysis of symmetry for dynamics (positions and initial velocities):

Subroutine DYNSYM returns: Found 1 space group operations
(whereof 1 operations were pure point group operations)
out of a pool of 1 trial space group operations
(whereof 1 operations were pure point group operations)
and found also 4 'primitive' translations

The dynamic configuration has the point symmetry C_1 .

Analysis of constrained symmetry for selective dynamics:

Subroutine DYNSYM returns: Found 1 space group operations
(whereof 1 operations were pure point group operations)
out of a pool of 1 trial space group operations
(whereof 1 operations were pure point group operations)
and found also 4 'primitive' translations

The constrained configuration has the point symmetry C_1 .


Is not clear for me, however, how the relaxation is done in this case. Will VASP relaxe only the atoms from a primitive cell and then change the coodinates (of the atoms) from the other 3 primitive cells by the same amount? For me this would be, of course, ideally. (The other alternative, i.e. VASP relaxes independently the atoms from the 4 primitive cells, should be as well O.K. IN THE ABSENCE of any numerical inaccuracies).



Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2024 1:42 pm
by support_vasp


We're sorry that we didn’t answer your question. This does not live up to the quality of support that we aim to provide. The team has since expanded. If we can still help with your problem, please ask again in a new post, linking to this one, and we will answer as quickly as possible.

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