Concurrent Installation of Basic VASP and MedeA-VASP

Questions regarding the compilation of VASP on various platforms: hardware, compilers and libraries, etc.

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Concurrent Installation of Basic VASP and MedeA-VASP

#1 Post by vincent_mathew » Wed Jun 19, 2024 5:00 am

We are currently using MedeA-VASP on our workstation. To utilize post-processing tools such as BoltzTrap2, Wannier90, etc., we need to install the basic VASP on the same system. We have the following questions:

1. Is it feasible to have both the basic VASP and MedeA-VASP installed on the same system?
2. Alternatively, should we consider installing basic VASP and MedeA-VASP under different user accounts on the same system?

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Re: Concurrent Installation of Basic VASP and MedeA-VASP

#2 Post by pedro_melo » Mon Jun 24, 2024 9:31 am

Dear vincent_mathew,

In principle there is no restriction to have different versions of VASP installed on the same account, provided that both installations are kept separate. Depending on your system this might be a simple matter of exporting the path to the binaries with different names or creating aliases. What kind of OS are you using?

Regarding installing different versions of VASP on different accounts: please keep in mind that in most machines only the account owner has permissions to read and write on a given directory. It is possible to make all files readable and writable for others, but it is an extra step. I would advise against it.

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Re: Concurrent Installation of Basic VASP and MedeA-VASP

#3 Post by vincent_mathew » Tue Jun 25, 2024 1:13 pm

Thanks for the clarification. We'll proceed with the installation under the same user account.
By the way, our operating system is Ubuntu 18.04.

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