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Infrared (IR) intensity by VASP 6.3.2

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2023 2:21 pm
by manoj_wijesingha
Hi VASP users,
I need to know that how can I calculate the Infrared (IR) intensity by using VASP 6.3.2. I calculated the frequencies by DFPT vibrational analysis, LEPSILON = .TRUE., NSW =1 and NWRITE=3. After obtaining the frequencies, how can we get the intensities (IR spectroscopy plot) for them.
Thank you.

Re: Infrared (IR) intensity by VASP 6.3.2

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2023 1:54 pm
by pedro_melo
Dear manoj_wijesingha,

You will need to compute the Born effective charge tensor and then use them together with the normalised vibrational phonon modes. For more information I can suggest the thesis of David Karhánek,, chapter 2.10.3, Eq. (2.51).

Kind regards,
Pedro Melo

Re: Infrared (IR) intensity by VASP 6.3.2

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2023 4:46 am
by manoj_wijesingha
Hi Pedro,
Thank you so much for your response and really appreciate it. I got the point, and I could run successful calculations as well.

Best Regards,