VASP 4.6.35 - Symmetry Error

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VASP 4.6.35 - Symmetry Error

#1 Post by muthukumar2k3 » Wed Jun 23, 2010 4:20 pm

Dear Friends,

I am trying to compute the Total energy for a system with Ih symmetry whose poscar is attached below.


15.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000
0.0000000000000000 15.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000
0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 15.0000000000000000
selective dynamics
-3.827716186 0.537672100 1.387348355 T T T
-3.096765061 0.971421282 2.540111800 T T T
-3.860735483 1.418977704 0.258853066 T T T
-3.876810729 -1.380408131 -0.224929034 T T T
-3.128448686 -0.940390277 -2.512818348 T T T
-3.844903567 -0.499426167 -1.353708983 T T T
-3.869199021 0.908282071 -1.090918751 T T T
-3.132914761 2.665188782 0.259605399 T T T
-2.349689821 3.068422836 1.388876161 T T T
-2.368944338 2.217632359 2.540864134 T T T
-1.143718314 3.795533468 1.127659176 T T T
-2.691560354 2.924693952 -1.089701450 T T T
-0.716714711 3.189101374 -2.510325388 T T T
-1.453406672 3.595414540 -1.351236942 T T T
-0.702363908 4.055038638 -0.221647674 T T T
-2.405858718 -0.009806458 -3.346270875 T T T
-2.377499587 1.390362589 -3.046247778 T T T
-3.146609052 1.838865890 -1.924371278 T T T
-1.171763410 2.103273311 -3.344995216 T T T
0.026656860 3.627956754 1.955249423 T T T
0.027056692 2.728115404 3.069510095 T T T
-1.198569164 2.050055646 3.368454380 T T T
1.248436166 2.037857987 3.357725878 T T T
1.191342904 3.783893820 1.117421474 T T T
3.161484252 2.633812907 0.232008615 T T T
2.392249968 3.044785549 1.368085886 T T T
2.413122210 2.193795052 2.519897929 T T T
0.726432487 3.181907676 -2.516652636 T T T
1.477273290 3.580805894 -1.364086039 T T T
0.740783291 4.047844940 -0.227974922 T T T
2.710924639 2.897764027 -1.113387780 T T T
1.243947081 0.688078805 3.868452445 T T T
0.017940455 -0.012956891 4.106671183 T T T
-1.203058249 0.700276464 3.879180948 T T T
0.009851773 -1.425000965 3.867176786 T T T
2.405858718 0.009806458 3.346270875 T T T
3.146609052 -1.838865890 1.924371278 T T T
2.377499587 -1.390362589 3.046247778 T T T
1.171763409 -2.103273312 3.344995216 T T T
3.876810729 1.380408131 0.224929034 T T T
3.844903566 0.499426167 1.353708983 T T T
3.128448686 0.940390277 2.512818348 T T T
3.869199021 -0.908282071 1.090918751 T T T
-1.163297809 -2.091633663 3.355232918 T T T
-2.364440202 -1.366725303 3.067038053 T T T
-2.376207831 0.033643765 3.367237079 T T T
-3.147789961 -1.807490015 1.951968062 T T T
-0.726432487 -3.181907676 2.516652636 T T T
-0.740783291 -4.047844940 0.227974922 T T T
-1.477273290 -3.580805894 1.364086039 T T T
-2.710924639 -2.897764027 1.113387780 T T T
2.691560354 -2.924693952 1.089701451 T T T
1.453406672 -3.595414540 1.351236942 T T T
0.716714711 -3.189101374 2.510325388 T T T
0.702363908 -4.055038638 0.221647674 T T T
-1.191342904 -3.783893820 -1.117421474 T T T
-2.392249968 -3.044785549 -1.368085886 T T T
-3.161484253 -2.633812907 -0.232008615 T T T
-2.413122210 -2.193795052 -2.519897929 T T T
-0.026656860 -3.627956754 -1.955249423 T T T
1.198569164 -2.050055646 -3.368454380 T T T
-0.027056692 -2.728115404 -3.069510094 T T T
-1.248436166 -2.037857987 -3.357725878 T T T
3.132914761 -2.665188782 -0.259605399 T T T
2.368944338 -2.217632359 -2.540864134 T T T
2.349689821 -3.068422836 -1.388876161 T T T
1.143718314 -3.795533468 -1.127659176 T T T
3.868347191 0.869712498 -1.124842783 T T T
3.096765061 -0.971421282 -2.540111800 T T T
3.827716186 -0.537672100 -1.387348355 T T T
3.860735483 -1.418977704 -0.258853066 T T T
1.163297808 2.091633664 -3.355232918 T T T
2.376207830 -0.033643765 -3.367237079 T T T
2.364440202 1.366725303 -3.067038053 T T T
3.147789961 1.807490015 -1.951968062 T T T
-1.243947081 -0.688078805 -3.868452445 T T T
1.203058249 -0.700276464 -3.879180948 T T T
-0.017940455 0.012956891 -4.106671183 T T T
-0.009851773 1.425000965 -3.867176786 T T T
-3.868347191 -0.869712498 1.124842783 T T T

Material studio, and other programmes predicts Ih symmetry, while VASP predicts S2 symmetry.

I played with SYMPREC tag from 1e-1 to 1e-9 and no explicit difference.

Could any one help me where i am doing wrong.

This problem not only exists for this sytem. It also happens for other systems where material studio predicts exact symmetry, but not VASP.

Any help would be appreciated.

Best regards,
Last edited by muthukumar2k3 on Wed Jun 23, 2010 4:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: VASP 4.6.35 - Symmetry Error

#2 Post by support_vasp » Wed Sep 11, 2024 2:19 pm


We're sorry that we didn’t answer your question. This does not live up to the quality of support that we aim to provide. The team has since expanded. If we can still help with your problem, please ask again in a new post, linking to this one, and we will answer as quickly as possible.

Best wishes,

