I am training a force field of AgF, NaCl and NaI cells, using a temperature ramp from 50 to 500 K. The three cells have the same structure, but different lattice parameters, which I relaxed beforehand.
I use exactly the same settings for all three systems, but during training, only the AgF behaves as it should, i.e. the temperature slowly rises, and the force field is updated with ab initio steps after some iterations. For the NaCl and NaI, the temperature stays roughly the same. Also, the Bayesian error estimation remains very low and the force field is almost never updated.
I am uploading the files for my NaCl simulation with PBE-D3 functional, except for the OUTCAR, which is 15 MB. The images show the monitoring of the Ab initio and ML properties for all three systems. The other functionals that I have tried behave identically.
What am I doing wrong? Is this only related to the missing temperature ramp, or do I need to change the learning threshold as well?