Find the transformation matrix connecting two POSCAR structures.

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Re: Find the transformation matrix connecting two POSCAR structures.

#16 Post by » Fri Apr 05, 2024 3:32 am

I want to find the mapping/transformation relationship between the Cartesian coordinates of all atoms of these two POSCARs, as shown below:

Code: Select all

In [14]: from import Poscar
    ...: # Reading the POSCAR files
    ...: poscar_ms = Poscar.from_file("POSCAR_ms")
    ...: poscar_vaspkit = Poscar.from_file("POSCAR_vaspkit")
    ...: # Getting the Cartesian coordinates of all atoms in both structures
    ...: cart_coords_ms = poscar_ms.structure.cart_coords
    ...: cart_coords_vaspkit = poscar_vaspkit.structure.cart_coords
    ...: # Printing the Cartesian coordinates of all atoms in the original structure (POSCAR_ms)
    ...: print("Cartesian coordinates of all atoms in the original structure (POSCAR_ms):")
    ...: for i, coords in enumerate(cart_coords_ms, start=1):
    ...:     print(f"Atom {i}: {coords}")
    ...: # Printing the Cartesian coordinates of all atoms in the target structure (POSCAR_vaspkit)
    ...: print("\nCartesian coordinates of all atoms in the target structure (POSCAR_vaspkit):")
    ...: for i, coords in enumerate(cart_coords_vaspkit, start=1):
    ...:     print(f"Atom {i}: {coords}")
Cartesian coordinates of all atoms in the original structure (POSCAR_ms):
Atom 1: [0. 0. 0.]
Atom 2: [1.93350005 1.11630678 0.78934807]

Cartesian coordinates of all atoms in the target structure (POSCAR_vaspkit):
Atom 1: [0. 0. 0.]
Atom 2: [1.36718202 1.36718202 1.36718202]
After some thought and trying, the problem still hasn't been solved.
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Re: Find the transformation matrix connecting two POSCAR structures.

#17 Post by » Fri Apr 05, 2024 3:53 am

Then, my other question is: Find the mapping/transformation relationship between the Cartesian coordinates of all atoms of two POSCARs, as shown below:

Code: Select all

$ cat POSCAR_ms 
Si2-primitive cell from MS software
3.8670001030         0.0000000000         0.0000000000
1.9335000515         3.3489203256         0.0000000000
1.9335000515         1.1163067752         3.1573923625
0.000000000         0.000000000         0.000000000
0.250000002         0.250000005         0.249999992

$ cat POSCAR_vaspkit 
Si2-primitive cell from VASPKIT software
0.00000000000000    2.73436403275000    2.73436403275000
2.73436403275000    0.00000000000000    2.73436403275000
2.73436403275000    2.73436403275000    0.00000000000000
0.0000000000000000    0.0000000000000000    0.0000000000000000    Si1
0.2500000000000000    0.2500000000000000    0.2500000000000000    Si2
The Cartesian coordinates of all atoms are shown below:

Code: Select all

In [14]: from import Poscar
    ...: # Reading the POSCAR files
    ...: poscar_ms = Poscar.from_file("POSCAR_ms")
    ...: poscar_vaspkit = Poscar.from_file("POSCAR_vaspkit")
    ...: # Getting the Cartesian coordinates of all atoms in both structures
    ...: cart_coords_ms = poscar_ms.structure.cart_coords
    ...: cart_coords_vaspkit = poscar_vaspkit.structure.cart_coords
    ...: # Printing the Cartesian coordinates of all atoms in the original structure (POSCAR_ms)
    ...: print("Cartesian coordinates of all atoms in the original structure (POSCAR_ms):")
    ...: for i, coords in enumerate(cart_coords_ms, start=1):
    ...:     print(f"Atom {i}: {coords}")
    ...: # Printing the Cartesian coordinates of all atoms in the target structure (POSCAR_vaspkit)
    ...: print("\nCartesian coordinates of all atoms in the target structure (POSCAR_vaspkit):")
    ...: for i, coords in enumerate(cart_coords_vaspkit, start=1):
    ...:     print(f"Atom {i}: {coords}")
Cartesian coordinates of all atoms in the original structure (POSCAR_ms):
Atom 1: [0. 0. 0.]
Atom 2: [1.93350005 1.11630678 0.78934807]

Cartesian coordinates of all atoms in the target structure (POSCAR_vaspkit):
Atom 1: [0. 0. 0.]
Atom 2: [1.36718202 1.36718202 1.36718202]
Then, how can I find the mapping/transformation relationship between the Cartesian coordinates of all atoms of these two structures?


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Re: Find the transformation matrix connecting two POSCAR structures.

#18 Post by martin.schlipf » Fri Apr 05, 2024 6:53 am

I have added everything I know about this topic to this thread. Perhaps some user has additional input regarding this but I cannot offer any further advice.

Martin Schlipf
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Re: Find the transformation matrix connecting two POSCAR structures.

#19 Post by » Fri Apr 05, 2024 9:39 am

Then, how can I find the mapping/transformation relationship between the Cartesian coordinates of all atoms of these two structures?
I got it, as shown below:

Code: Select all

In [79]: from pymatgen.core import Structure
    ...: from pymatgen.analysis.structure_matcher import StructureMatcher
    ...: poscar1 = 'POSCAR_ms'
    ...: poscar2 = 'POSCAR_vaspkit'
    ...: structure1 = Structure.from_file(poscar1)
    ...: structure2 = Structure.from_file(poscar2)
    ...: matcher = StructureMatcher(primitive_cell=False)
    ...: matches =, structure2)
    ...: if matches:
    ...:     try:
    ...:         transformation = matcher.get_transformation(structure1, structure2)
    ...:         print(transformation)
    ...:     except ValueError as e:
    ...:         print(f"error:{str(e)}")
    ...: else:
    ...:     print("Failed to match.")
(array([[ 0,  0, -1],
       [ 0, -1,  0],
       [-1,  0,  0]]), array([0.25, 0.25, 0.25]), [1, 0])

In [80]: from numpy import array
    ...: from numpy.linalg import inv
    ...: from pymatgen.core import Structure
    ...: s1=Structure.from_file("POSCAR_ms")
    ...: s2=Structure.from_file("POSCAR_vaspkit")
    ...: m1=s1.lattice.matrix
    ...: m2=s2.lattice.matrix
    ...: R=transformation[0]
    ...: t=transformation[1]
    ...: print(m2.T@(R@inv(m1.T)@array([0,0,0]) + t))
    ...: print(m2.T@(R@inv(m1.T)@array([1.93350005, 1.11630678, 0.78934807]) + t))
[1.36718201 1.36718201 1.36718203]
[-1.69082426e-08  6.72491127e-09  1.75588875e-08]
See here for the related discussion.
